skid row!

You and I together in our lives
Sacred ties would never fray
Then why can I let myself tell lies
And watch you die every day?

I think back to the times 
When dreams were what mattered
Though talking youth naivete

You said you'd never let me down
But the horse stampedes and rages
In the name of desperation

Is it all just wasted time Can you look at yourself When you think of what you left behind Is it all just wasted time Can you live with yourself When you think of what you've left behind Paranoid delusions they haunt you Where's my friend I used to know He's all alone He's burried deep within a carcass searching for a soul Can you feel me inside your heart as it's bleeding Why can't you believe you can be loved I hear your scream in agony And the horse stampedes and rages In the name of desperation You said you'd never let me down But the horse stampedes, it rages In the name of desperation The sun will rise again The earth will turn to sand Creation's colors seem to fade to grey And you'll see the sickly hands of time Will write your final rhyme And end our memory I never thought you'd let it get this far boy...

Postat av: Anonym


2009-11-05 @ 22:34:00

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